Other Stuff
Groups / Schools
Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts (AEMMA) - Canada
Association for Rennaissance Martial Arts (ARMA) - USA
Boar's Tooth - UK
Brotherhood of the Eagle's Nest - Poland
Chicago Swordplay Guild - USA
The Company of Cavalier Gentlemen - Canada
The Company of Maisters - UK
Continental Academy - USA
Dreynschlag - Austria
The Exiles - UK
Die Freifechter - Germany
Higgins Armory's Meyer Project - USA
Linacre School of Defense - UK
Ochs - Germany
Order of Selohaar - USA
School of European Swordsmanship - Suomi (Finland)
Stoccata School of Defense - Australia
Zornhau - Germany
Angus Trim - USA
Bjorn's Sword site - Sweden
Del Tin - Italy
Heimrick Armoury - Canada
Jake Powning - Canada
Lutel - Czech Republic
PurpleHeart Armoury - USA
Sword Forum - online discussions of swords and swordsmanship
Valentine Amouries - Canada
Academic Paper on the newly rediscovered "Damascus Steel" forging method
Anthology of Medieval German Literature - a very cool site from Notre Dame University
Beowulf - a readable (distilled) modern English translation
Beowulf - a more literal (fermented) translation
Canada's pre-1965 flag, and Ontario's provincial flag, both showing our close historical affinity to the USA. ;-)
Centre for Medieval Studies at the U. of T.
History of Dueling - an old Catholic Encyclopedia article
The History of the Diamond Myth - a 20 year old article, very interesting.
The Nag Hammadi Library - scriptures of the Gnostic Heresy
Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, at the U. of T.
Scaring Sheep with a Trebuchet - hilarious, a must read!
The Secret History of the Sword - Christoph Amberger's book
Other Stuff
Amnesty International - Human Rights watchdog
Association of Cancer Online Resources - help and info for patients, family and friends
BBC News - a British view on the news.
CBC News - a Canadian view on the news.
The David Suzuki Foundation - the environmental front.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation - looking out for Big Brother.
Human Rights Watch - self explanatory
Information Awareness Office - Meet Big Brother
Linux - break free from Bill Gates monopoly without needing to buy a Mac.
Mozilla - a free alternative to Internet Explorer, choice is good
New Scientist - lots of interesting eye openers.
The Open Source Initiative - free alternatives to monopoly.
Palladium and TCPA - Big Brother's digital toolkit
The Register - biting the hand that feeds IT.
Scientific American - I get the print edition every month. It's nothing less than excellent.
Slashdot - techie news and discussion.
The System Administrators Guild - that's SAGE, not SAG!
User Friendly - comic strip for techies.
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